

     Membership:  "It is not known how many chanter members their were of this Church, but in 1850, about two years after the organization of the church there were sixty-nine members reported as constituting the Church." (1)

  • Rev. James Runion served as pastor 1849-1850, 1864 & 1869"He was involved in politics and served as tax collector for the county during the Civil war.  He was a popular preacher and politician until 1867 when he entered the Republican Party.  The white folks turned against him, and just about the only support he now had was form the black people.  Calls from churches stopped coming, although he did serve two more times at New Liberty.  He eventually left the ministry to enter politics.  He often spoke our for and stood up for the black folks for the community." (2)
  • Rev. Stephen Powell 1850-63 & 1868.   "He moved from the log building on Absalom Talley's farm to its present location on North Highway 25." (2)
  • New Building & Location:  "Reuben Talley, one of the original charter members donated six acres of land off the old Asheville Highway.  The old build collapsed.  A new building was much needed because the winter and rainy season was causing eh hastily built old one to fall apart.  The logs which had serves as the church's foundation were beginning to rot, causing the building to lean to one side. Finally, during a bad storm, the building collapsed.  So, under the Lord's leadership, they decided it was time to move, and Mr. Talley generously provided the way.  A selected excerpt from Mr. Talley's deed reads like this:  "I, Reuben Talley of the state and District aforesaid, for and in consideration of the love and goodwill, which I be as towards the Deacons and lay members of New Liberty Church and their successors in office.  I do hereby give grant and release...a certain tract or parcel of land ...on a small branch of Mush Creek Branch waters of South Tyger Rive, and on the East side of the Asheville Road, and located westerly by said road containing six acres..."  The deed was dated September 24, 1852, and the signing was witnessed by Enoch Cunningham.

  Finances:   "In 1850, $2.75 was contributed towards the Associational expenses."

Associational Cooperation:  "The following information was taken from the Enoree Rive Associational Minutes for 1850.  This is the proceeding of a meeting held by brethren of different churches of the Baptist denomination at the New Liberty July 18, 1850.  At the meeting .... Elder J. M. Runion, of the Hendersonville Baptist Church, preached the sermon." (1)

Enore River Baptist Association consisted of the following churches:  Boiling Springs, Cedar Springs, Enoree, Folk Shoals, Gap Creek, Grove Station, Hendersonville, Lima, North Folk, Sandy Springs, Standing Springs and Union (2)

"On motion, called and enrolled the names of those that appreciated the propriety of organizing a New Association, viz:  The Enoree River Baptist Association.  The delegates form the New Liberty Baptist Church were Elder S. Powell and Brethren R. Talley, H. Goode and David Burnett..' (1)

"On motion, it was agreed to meet at the at this church on Friday before the first Lord's day in October next, for the purpose of organizing a new association.  Resolved, that we invite as many of the ministers of the Tyger River, Reedy River, Twelve Mile Rive and Union Associations, as were willing to meet with us at the time and place named, to Aid us in our organization." (1)

"On motion, adjourned, to meet at the time and place above named.  David Blythe, Moderator" (1)

"The first meeting of the Enoree River Baptist Association was held at the New Liberty Baptist Church, Greenville District, SC, October 4-6, 1850." (1)

"On Oct 4, 1850, the Introductory sermon was delivered by Elder Jesse Senter, from the 50th Psalm and the 5th verse." (1)

"On motion, Elder W. C. Berry was called to serve as chairman and Elder N.M. Runion was called to act as secretary until the permanent organization could be set up." (1)

"On Motion, called for the reading of he proceedings had at New Liberty Church on the 18th of July, 1850.  Letters were then presented and read form six different churches, and the amounts taken. At the meeting the following were delegates from the New Liberty Baptist Church;  Elders S. Powell, .M. Runion and Brethren E. Powell, R. Talley, D. Barnett and J. Norris. (Notice thee were two preachers named form this church.  At this present time the were sixty-nine members of the NLBC, and they contributed $2.75 to the association for minutes and other expenses." (1)

"On motion, called for Constitution, Rules of Decorum an Articles of Faith, which were read and adopted for the government of the association  elder S. Powell was elected as Moderator and Elder J.M. Runion, Secretary.  Appointed Elder C.M. Philips, H. Bishop and R. Talley, together with the Moderator and Clerk, a committee on arrangements, with leave to call in corresponding brother to assist them.  WM . McKinney, S. Bishop, J. Burnes, J. Mabon, and B. Tinsely, with the members of the NLBC, were appointed a committee on preaching. A report to the association from the NLBC stated that Elder S. Powell was the pastor and H. Goode was the clerk for the church." (1)


   Building and Property:   "The brush arbor would do for summertime worship, but it was soon felt that if the newly organized church was to continue its work, a permanent building must be provided.  The membership was made up almost entirely of farmers.  Money was scarce, and ready cans for a building was lacking.  The pastor had been paid for his services mostly by farm products.  He often found his buggy loaded down with good things from the farm;  or if in inclement weather he rode his horse,his membership would load the saddle bags down with food." (1)

The First Building on Hwy 25:  Now that New Liberty had some land. The men, most all of whom were farmers, began immediately to cut down trees.  then after hours, days and weeks of tail and agony, the building was completed.  They now had a place to worship which was more stable and stout then the original brush arbor and more recent log building.  Rev Powell. was proud of his church and the new building.  The congregation, I'm sure, often gave praise to the Lord for what He was doing for them. (2)

"It was deemed wise to try to build a log building, and to "chink" it against the winter. Brother Blythe, with the aid of his membership, felled the loss as they were given by the membership and others and dragged them to the side.  Peeling where necessary, they mortised them tougher into a building which became the permanent meeting house for worship. This building was use until the winter of 1851-1852."(1)

"There was pride In the work of those who came to worship here, for the sprit of cooperation was prevalent. They were truly being "laborers together with God" in their endeavor to please and worship Him." (1)

"There was nothing ornamental or fancy about this plain log building, but it house the congregation of Hopewell Baptist Church, and later Liberty and then New Liberty Baptist C church." (1)

"The winter of 1851-1852 was very severe.  The church endured great hardships.  That which seemed the hardest to bear was the destruction of the building.  It appears that the log building which had been hastily erected for protection against the cold winter of 1848, was beginning to collapse.  The logs which had ben placed on the ground as a foundation rotted away, causing the entire building to lean on a weak side.  Some of the good brethren saw what was happening and gathered other logs, propped the building to keep it form falling; but during these cold days of the winter of 1851-1852, the wind blew hard at times.  During one of the fiercest gales when people had come to worship, the logs holding the building were   Many were faint-hearted."  (1)

"Brother Stephen Powell, the pastor at the time, called he people to prayer. His own heart was heavy, but he walked with an assurance that God would relive the situation.  Prayer went up form burdened hearts and God heard, for as it turned out to be, He was deeply concerned about this growing organization.' (1)

" Reuben Talley with the blemishing and leadership of the Holy Spirit and with a heart of love for his church and its membership, began to talk to his pastor of a desire in his heart to give a tract of land on the Asheville Highway, if the church would accept it, so that a new building could be erected there.  Stephen Powell no doubt looked at Reubin with tears in his eyes, and said a prayer of thanksgiving to God for such a stalwart Christian as this.  the church accepted the land and deed was drawn up dated September 24, 1852." (1)

"The church accepted this great gift with open arms, and thanked God for the inspiration of it. The question in their minds was still, 'where will the money come, to build a building there?" (1)

"The Lord blessed in the answer to that question. The people, led of the Lord, made contribution:  much of it possibly in produce, which was sold or traded for lumber.  Some giving lumber, some scarifying time and labor,and others donating cash, a building was soon started.   Soon the people completed a white frame doors and four doors,  the were two doors at the front and one on each side." (1)

"The first building on the present site was later sold to Hiram Coleman, who tor it down, moved it away form its present site, and used it to build a barn,which was sill standing in 1955.  As among many of those who helped to tear down the building and rebuild it was Brother J. D. McAuly, who worked for fifty cents a day on the project."

"The second building was a white frame building containing one double door at the front and one door on each side a little above the middle  section.  It boasted seven windows." (1)


     WMU:   "In 1859, the question arose concerning the education of women.  Many of the members of this church and of the other surrounding churches felt that the women's place was in the home and that she ought to rock the cradle. They felt that she had no right to have a education.  From the report on Education given at the Tyger River Association in 1859, the following is quoted"  'the subject   of female education, which has been much overlooked, buds fait to occupy its legitimate position in the minds of the community in general. This is the surest way to cultivate the morale and increase the intelligence of future generations.  It is a wise saying of another:  The child is father of the man, educate the mother."  (2)